Museum of pregnancy and families

What does pregnancy mean? Pregnancy is the time between fertilization of the egg in the body of a woman and the birth of the baby. On average, it lasts about 38 weeks. After fertilization until the 8th week of pregnancy, the growing child is called an embryo.

From the ninth week of pregnancy, the internal organs develop and the term fetus is used. First signs of pregnancy At the latest when the menstrual period fails, this can be interpreted as the first sign of pregnancy.

Here, a pregnancy test can quickly ensure certainty. Two days after failure, a urine test can usually answer the question of fertilization. Commercial pregnancy tests are usually safe up to 99%. Also physical signs such as nausea, cravings, pulling in the breasts, tiredness and frequent urination are often the first messengers of the hormonal change.

Since the signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman, a doctor should confirm the pre-tests with blood test and ultrasound completely.

Course of pregnancy

Externally, the body does not change much during the first weeks of pregnancy. But with the moment of fertilization, the hormonal conditions in the entire organism change. The body of the woman adapts to the new requirements in a short time.

Thus, the maternal blood provides all the necessary nutrients for the formation of the nut cake. In order to be able to supply the growing embryo, the woman’s metabolism increases by about 20%. Her blood plasma also increases between 30 and 40%. Not only physically but also emotionally some changes will come to you.

First, the placenta produces different hormones with the ovaries. Estrogen, HCG, and progesterone regulate various bodily processes while triggering a range of emotions. So are emotional fluctuations and constant ups and downs completely normal – but often exhausting. But do not worry: Most of the time, the hormonal situation stabilizes in the second trimester of pregnancy and you will be balanced again.

Nausea and cravings usually disappear in the second part of the pregnancy. In conjunction with the hormone stabilization this time is usually found to be very pleasant. The risk of a miscarriage is now much lower and many women can now relax better. Added to this are the first movements of the fetus.

Spontaneous movements of the head, arms and legs make the mother’s heart shine the same. Significant changes have already occurred by the third part of the pregnancy. The big ball and the bigger breasts sometimes cause back, foot and joint pain. Additional weight is also due to water retention in the arms and legs. The baby is not mature yet, but could possibly survive as a premature baby.

In the last trimester, your baby weighs between 2.5 and 3 kilos. You probably gained about 10 to 15kg. At the end of the 36th week of pregnancy, the child’s head enters the small pelvis and the uterus descends. Now the child already has the correct birth position with the head down. As your offspring now has less space, it turns much more difficult for him turns, kicks and motions. In the weeks leading up to the pregnancy, the baby gains weight and typically weighs between 2800g and 4000g.

Usually a well-developed child measures about 48cm to 54cm at birth. The birth announces the onset of the onset labor. These can be recognized by the fact that about every 10 minutes over a period of one to two hours of labor with a duration of 30 to 60 seconds occur.

You shoud also be prepared when you are pregnant. Many mothers even start to furnish a nice apartment for their child beforehand. There the extra bed and many other baby things should be ready for the child. Before you should test the Beistellbett test, so that the mattress is tuned.

Complaints in pregnancy

As the uterus continues to dilate during pregnancy, other organs have less space. So also the stomach and intestinal tract. The consequences are often stomach and digestive problems such as bloating and acid regurgitation. Hormones also play a role. For heartburn, a piece of rusk can help in the morning, as well as occasionally chewing a few almonds. Besides plum and apple juice, walks also stimulate intestinal activity.

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